The past from antiquity to the most recent times, is a mosaic of innumerable endeavors. Using all this live material prevents its dying in the present; living continuity seems to me important and I think it is a mistake to treat ancient and modern as if a barrier divided them.
When one speaks of centuries that separate us from the ancients, we are aware that these are but moments in the history of the earth, and we also learn that the “ancients are not so much a past to remember as a future to discover”. (Pontiggia)
Every voyage into the past is an opportunity to study the principles that guide CLDS. This choosing from the living presence of different times and places, from among their infinite variations, inspire different ways for designing. CLDS explores these philosophies of space, time, and life (“a layering of remote memories”). This design context is illustrated spatially through the use of extraordinary color palettes, sculptural surface articulation, arrangements of vintage collectible art & objects, rich textiles and finish material surface embellishment techniques that epitomize infinite spatial variations alternating in time and place - “ROOMSCAPES”.
“It is not being the first to see something new that indicates a genuinely original mind, but seeing the old, the familiar, the commonplace as if it were new”. (Friedrich Nietzche)